Call for Submissions for SPAG Issue #57 (Deadline: February 15, 2009)

Hi, folks...

So, among my New Years Resolutions this year is a resolution to try like hell to return SPAG to a regular quarterly publication schedule. You can help me with that by sending some content that is so great I just can't bear to delay in publishing it. (Perhaps some longtime readers even have resolutions of their own to help out a bit more. Well, an editor can dream...)

Reviews of any of the following would be hugely appreciated:

Love is as Powerful as Death, Jealousy is as Cruel as the Grave
The Lighthouse
Shadow in the Cathedral
Walker and Silhouette
Ghost Town

Also welcome are reviews of any other IF, old or new, as well as more in-depth SPAG Specifics Analyses and feature articles on any aspect of IF experience, craft, history, or theory. The deadline for content will be February 15, with the issue following shortly.

You can send those submissions straight to me at in any reasonably portable format you desire, or visit the SPAG website at and use the handy form. And if you have questions or wonder if a particular article idea is suitable, by all means drop me a line.

Thanks in advance!