Call for Submissions for SPAG Issue #56 (Deadline: November 13, 2009)

Hi, folks...

I had hoped to get a new issue of SPAG out before this year's Competition, but I just couldn't manage it due to a rather chaotic personal life of late. However, I've already got some good material together, and would love to make it up to you with a big, exciting issue to coincide with the end of the Comp. To do that, though, I need your help. (You saw that coming, didn't you?)

I'm particularly looking for reviews of the following recent games:

Shelter from the Storm
The Bryant Collection
Jack Toresal and The Secret Letter
Sam Fortune -- Private Investigator
The Neamon Lion
Unscientific Fiction
IntroComp 2009 entries (any, some, or all)
Finding the Mouse

Reviews or in-depth analyses of other games, old or new, are also always welcome, as are articles on IF craft, theory, history, or personal experiences.

For this Comp-focused issue, I'd also like to make a special request. As I did last year, I'd like to put a team of reviewers together to jointly review the games. If you can review some percentage of randomly assigned Comp games, please drop me a line. The more volunteers I can collect, the fewer games each individual volunteer will need to review.

Deadline for review and article submissions is November 13, 2009. The issue will follow on November 15. You can send your submissions to me at in whatever format suits you best, or you can use the handy form on the home page of the SPAG website (

Thanks in advance,